South Notts CBS....
............... agreed at its 2012 AGM to put up some backing towards the production of a Quarterly Newsletter which would enable the editor to print 50 hard copies of the newsletter in black and white each quarter. No limit was placed on the number of electronic versions that could be produced.
As a result of the sales and advertising campaigns and contacts of the editor the newsletter now has sufficient funds to exceed the minimum number of copies authorised by the club should it prove necessary all at a nil cost to South Notts CBS.
The aim of the news letter is to bring all birdwatchers, keepers and breeders closer together and to act as as a forum and means of communication between the various groups as well as to publicise the needs of the wild birds in the East Midlands.
If you wish to receive a hard copy of the south Notts CBS Quarterly Newsletter simply send 5 stamped self addressed A5 envelopes with a £1 coin to The Editor, South Notts CBS Quarterly Newsletter, 154 Eltham Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5JU and we will forward you a copy each quarter as it is published.
Below you will see a link which will take you to an on line copy of the 2nd edition of SNCBSQN
Volume 1, 2nd of 4 issues 2012
(if the link fails to work simply copy it and paste it into your browser and initiate a search of the internet)